Monday, December 19, 2016

5 Cool Couch Co-op Games To Play As a Couple

Every couple has to relax for a little bit of downtime and how best to spend it by playing a cool video game together. We've made a list of some games we like to play, however please note that technically not every game here is considered a proper couch co-op game, but it is merely a representation of what we consider co-op games we enjoy. Here are some examples of games we like to play together.

1. Minecraft: (PS4)

This seemingly endless virtual sandbox has gotten us digging out mine shafts and building our own houses for far too many hours. The thrill of exploring Minecraft survival modes' square worlds together makes for a unique experience which we love and keep finding ourselves being sucked back into. Making sure we have a nice place we can call 'home', setting up a farm for a decent food supply, keeping the monsters at bay, it all sums up as a perfect escape of reality where we can do our own thing and relax while enjoying each other's (virtual) company.

2. Tekken 5: (PS2)

This game is a classic must-have for settling your arguments. Whenever you are having a fight you may suggest to settle the score once and for all by playing a couple of rounds in Tekken. I bet your partner won't refuse :)

This game is perfect for button mashing and still coming out on top (especially handy when you're angry) as it levels out the playing field even if your significant other has quote: "pro-like skills". Therapy comes to mind when I think of this game; couple counseling by kicking someone's virtual ass. 

At some point you might even consider letting him/her win, even though you know you are "the best". This way you also boost your partners confidence in his/her "gaming skills". Be careful not to purposely lose too much, since your partner might find out and you'll have an even bigger fight on the couch.

Image source: - Namco & SCE

3. Little Big Planet 2: (PS3)

This platform game offers a nice experience for you and your partner to achieve something together while also letting you go through a plethora of emotions, which, in fact can actually be represented in game by changing your sackboy's emotional state (how cool is that?). Thus while playing this game you may experience extreme anxiety while being chased by monsters and clearing the parkour levels, hoping that your or your partner don't mess up. You may be annoyed after (just be honest here) your partner's failure to complete this seemingly simple platform jump for the 50th time. Perhaps you'll experience utter joy when you slap-whack your partner's sack boy and the inevitable fight that ensues or you might just experience craziness as you put on your favourite song and start an in-game dance off. 

4. Rainbow Six Vegas & Vegas 2: (PS3)

This semi-tactical shooter game puts you and your partner in the shoes of an elite police force. You'll have to combat terrorists who are creating chaos in Las Vegas and you'll rely on your partner to outwit and outgun those silly bad guys. You can decide how to breach an area, either by going through the front door or rappelling down a sky-roof. Teamwork is key and it is very satisfying when playing through this game's campaign to see your partner pinning down any threats from the other side of the hallway while you clear out the remaining terrorists in the room. 

Even if you or your partner is not adept at playing a shooter game, this one will definitely learn you the ropes.
Image source: Ubisoft

A good alternative for this sort of shooter game would be Splinter Cell: Double Agent or the newer game Splinter Cell: Blacklist. These games can be a bit slower paced compared to Rainbow Six Vegas, but do require you to work together. Even though the Splinter Cell games can offer a nice experience when playing co-op, the experience is relatively short as the co-op ability is only available for a limited set of missions.

5. Story Games (Telltale & Until Dawn - PS3/4): 

Image source: Telltale Games - Activision

For this one you should consider all the story-telling games like the various telltale games such as The Walking Dead or even Until Dawn. These story games offer a tv-series or movie-like experience with an interactive element. You'll mostly get to choose different dialogue options and to some extent get to influence the outcome of the story. Until Dawn especially is a good example of ample story lines and various options to discover while offering you the thrills and excitement of a Hollywood horror movie. 

Image source: - SCE & Supermassive Games

You can decide along with your partner which option you should choose and watch in terror as the story unfolds. 

After reading through our thoughts and experiences with some of these games, we are curious to know if you have similar ideas and experiences playing co-op games with your partner. Share your words via the comment form below and we'll have an interesting discussion.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Horror Movie Night

What to do if your girlfriend/partner wants to watch a horror movie (and you are a scared little chicken)?

It is that time of the year again, getting closer and closer to Halloween and we're already seeing the news of horror clowns terrorizing people. Your partner gets in the mood for a Horror Movie Night and wants nothing more than to spend a 'romantic evening' watching a scary movie - ugh.

I am not a fan of horror movies to say the least. Perhaps it's my creative mind, but I always seem to overthink things that happen in the movies and always seem to fall for the jump-scares. I have however learned some tricks along the way to not suffer as much anymore, so here's some tips to survive Horror Movie Night.

  • Tip 1
Hold your girlfriend while watching the movie, this gives you the chance to blame getting scared on her. Not to mention, she will most likely feel very safe lying in your arms you romantic cry-bear.

  • Tip 2
Time your drink and snack moments appropriately. If you just so happen to miss the jump-scare moment because you strategically took a sip from your drink, you won't get scared as easily. The biggest drawback is you might spill your drink when she jumps up scared...

  • Tip 3
Be super attentive. You don't like to watch scary movies anyway, so just focus on making her comfortable. Get her a blanket, refill her drink, set up a foot bath, anything to keep your eyes off the screen. Only use this one when your watching the super-scary movies.

  • Tip 4
Watch the movie and just imagine the scary characters to be naked. This is a trick that was once told to me by my music teacher who used it to ease her tension while performing on stage by imagining the audience was filled with naked people. 
On second thought, imagining some of those monsters naked would put you off sleeping for a couple more nights... Perhaps you could imagine the monsters as something funny, like they showed Harry Potter and his classmates on how to deal with the boggart.

  • Tip 5
Compromise. Why should you be the only one to suffer? Say you'll watch this one scary movie with her if she is willing to watch the latest Silvester Stallone flick. This way you both win, and if you watch the action movie straight after the scary one, you'll most likely sleep better (or is that just me?).

  • Tip 6:
Watch the (scary) spoilers on Youtube! You will be prepared for what will happen in the movie and have mostly no worries watching the movie, this is the best tip I can give you. Why didn't I put this one at the top?

There you have it, my short list of useful tips to survive fright night. I am curious to know how you deal with watching scary movies and perhaps I'll pick up a trick or two :)

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